Tuesday, November 11, 2008

From lightworkers.orgPlease check out this website and join if you like it.SusanUniversal Answers by ArchangelsLast night I was severely tired. I had been tired all day yesterday due to the weather and I'm coming down with a sore throat. Last night I made myself a nice hot cup of peppermint tea, meditated and went onto bed. Before bedtime though I asked the Archangels to assist me further on my spiritual journey. I was answered.I don't remember falling asleep at all. I remember waking up. Not physically, but in my dream. I often lucid dream. It's something I can't get away from. When I woke up I was standing high above planet Earth and surrounded by several strange light beings. I only say strange because they were magnificent and I have never seen anything like it before. The stars were bright with vivid colors that I can't describe since these colors we do not have here on Earth. It was utter beauty.I remember not feeling scared one bit. I saw something strange. I could look right through Earth. I could see what looked to be illusions. I saw a huge being come forward and he said to me "Do not be afraid this is just but one part of your spiritual journey, I have come, so have others to explain to you what exactly it is that you're seeing and experiencing", all conversations were not spoken verbally. They were telepathic. I looked at him in awe. He was beautiful. His light was very bright. He took my hand and said "Do you realize that you are all precious beyond any measure?". I just looked at him. He said "Come forward, let me show you what is going on here". I did step forward and take his hand. He hugged me very tightly. He had piercing eyes. They were of a blue color but I can't describe them. He then took me in closer for a look. I was absolutely blown away. He said "See all those people, what do you see?". I didn't know what to say but I told him that I see individuals sleeping, eating, arguing, making plans, loving one another, buying things, going places. He said "No, look closer, really take a look, focus your eyes for once and really take a look". I closed my eyes and relaxed. What I saw was amazing, kinda scary for me only because it was the first time seeing it, and joyous. I then saw what appeared to be souls that looked grid like, I saw intertwinings of everything together. I told him what I saw and he said "Very good, all your world is a illusion, you are not experiencing what you think you are when you're on the Earthly realm, all matter is illusion, it is only real to you inside of you, nothing is real". That was confusing to say the least.I was confused. Very. I wanted to ask him some questions but felt that I was in the presence of someone far more wiser than myself and that I don't have the right to question him, however he knew what I was feeling and encouraged me. He answered me quickly. He said "You want to know why if it is all illusion when you get hurt you feel it?". Of course I did. He said "Because you bring it to your reality, you do not understand that Earth is only a test, a test of you being in the flesh, you brought that to reality because you desired that reality, you do not understand that everything you see, hear, feel, smell, and taste is an illusion, you are interconnected with the universe, though the universe is nothing more than a lovely dream of prime creator". I stood there in awe as he showed me many things. Inside out he showed me how the Universe worked, how our thoughts worked and traveled, how our feelings travel and how when you change just one tiny thought that it effects the whole entire matrix. I'm a fairly intelligent person. I'm new to this path, but this blew me away. He showed me exactly how the energy bursts forward. I am reminded of the words "Be the change you wish to see in the world", literally this is true from what I have seen. He turned to me and smiled sensing that I was feeling overwhelmed he held out his arms to wrap them around me once again saying "Welcome home, you are now open".With that we were in another dimension. One of pure striking beauty, flowers I have never seen before, smells I have never smelled. He turned to me and said "The flesh is limited, here nothing is limited, humans have five basic senses and that makes the flesh limited, here you have nothing limiting you". I could hear music I have never ever heard in my human lifetime. It was beautiful. I could taste the notes. Is that weird or what? I could feel the vibration of the flowers. I could feel colors washing through me like waves of a ocean. It really overwhelmed me but at the same time it caused me to really realize that we are precious, we are all one. He turned and said "Yes, this is you, that is you, the flower opening to greet the colors, the music, the light is you, everything is but one, no need for ID's, no need for names, no need for social status, no need of anything, just vibrational oneness". I cried. Yes I cried. I finally understand. He said to me, "Everyone in the flesh has needs to be unique and be someone only to themselves, but it's illusion, the true test of the flesh is to learn to be unified and to learn that there is nothing you need but to understand that you are one, now do you understand?". I did. I finally understood. I asked of course "Why now, why didn't this happen when I asked to be open years ago", of course he already knew what I was going to ask and replied "You were not really ready, you inhabited with fear, now you're ready go back and tell others what you've been shown, remember I am you, you are me, and we are all together". With that he hugged me and sent me back. He gave me a beautiful trip back where I could literally feel the stars, touch them, and each star I touched turned to a different color and made beautiful music.That was my ascension into the other dimensions and the beginning of my beautiful spiritual journey. Thankyou for reading.Namaste.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Caroline Myss interview on Sacred ContractsCaroline Myss talks about agreements we make before birth, and how recognizing them can bring purpose and peace to our lives. Interview by Anne A. Simpkinson If you attend a workshop led by medical intuitive and best-selling author Caroline Myss (pronounced Mace), you'll meet the Queen, the Nun, and the Teacher. Myss isn't sharing the stage with other lecturers, nor is she suffering from multiple personality disorder. These are the archetypes--universal energetic patterns--in her life, she says, that come forward in her teaching.The Teacher and Nun were shaped by the Roman Catholic sisters, who taught Myss from high school through graduate school. The Queen appears when she wants "to blast people out" of wanting a realized life without accepting the opportunities for growth presented to them."The classroom becomes transformed into my royal court," she writes, "and I symbolically 'decapitate' people who are yearning for liberation yet are prevented by those very fears from moving forward."Myss is talking a lot about archetypes these days as she tours for her newest book, "Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential." The core of the book is the belief that, before we are born, our souls agree to learn specific lessons in our upcoming lifetime. In order to fulfill that agreement, we get involved with certain people, find ourselves in certain places, and have to deal with certain life circumstances. How we handle all of that is the measure of our growth and progress.Myss believes that we can better identify our contracts (because there are many) if we understand what energies are operating in our lives. Her book presents a very detailed program for identifying which energies are at play in our lives, and how to work with them."Sacred Contracts" is Myss's fifth book; the first two, "AIDS: Passageway to Transformation" and "The Creation of Health" were co-authored with Norman Shealy, M.D. The other two--"Anatomy of the Spirit" and "Why People Don't Heal And How They Can"--both made it to the New York Times best-sellers list. In addition to her books, she has created a number of tapes and CDs (through Sounds True), has appeared on Oprah, and was one of public television's fund-raising stars.She talks to Beliefnet producer Anne Simpkinson about sacred contracts, the eighth chakra, criticism of her teaching style, and her new program on the Oxygen channel. You have a new book out called "Sacred Contracts." What exactly is a sacred contract, and why is it important?From my point of view, the leading cause of stress today is the absence of meaning in people's lives. You can say that stress is caused by the workplace and relationships, but all of those are extensions of the struggle with direction, self, and spiritual empowerment.So I started to wonder: Are we meant to do something? Are we meant to be with certain people? Are agreements made before we incarnate? If we believe in life after death, why not believe in life before life? Why would that be any more outrageous?I came to believe that we very much make contracts before we incarnate. We make contracts that are directed toward our personal empowerment, toward the expansion of our hearts, and toward the expansion of our contribution to the group soul of humanity.In your book, you talk about your Catholic upbringing. So let me ask you, do you see this life as a one-shot deal--you live and then you die and go to heaven or hell...No.You believe in reincarnation?Oh sure--and so does the Church, by the way. Reincarnation was very much a part of Christian tradition until the belief was edited out somewhere around the 400's, I believe. They edited it out when they started to take the formation of the doctrine seriously, when they started to pull together the oral and written traditions.Why did they eliminate this particular one?They thought that people would not try as hard in this life if they thought that they had another chance.I noticed that when you talk about sacred contracts, you always talk about them on two levels: contributing to personal growth and to the evolution of the planet.Yes. Absolutely. Everything you do affects the whole; as above, so below.When I talk to a Western audience about a sacred contract, they think I'm talking about a job. It's so ridiculous [to ask] where's the job I was born to do, without thinking about the people who are unemployed. Are you telling me that they're suddenly of no value?See, people can't imagine that they could be born to become a forgiving person. That could be the most significant contract of their lives, and, in order to fulfill it, they have to have certain people in a close relationship and they have to have this physical body. We don't like to think that our lives could be humble. Or, that in this lifetime, our contract is to be of service to others.What's hard for people to accept is what's true. Time and time again, we learn that life is not a rational experience. Buddha taught us that. Jesus taught us that. You name the spiritual teacher, they all teach that we suffer because we want life to be something it is not. It is not organized and rational.In the book, you identify an eighth chakra. Standard texts usually deal with just seven. Talk a little bit about this chakra, and why you included it.I felt that there had to be a way to discuss data that existed separate from biological, physiological, and emotional data. This dimension that I'm talking about is impersonal; it's symbolic. It's what we call the collective unconscious or the archetypal dimension. For me, it represented the next level of our energy system, which is represented by eighth chakra.We have a physical reality, we have an internal reality, and we have a symbolic reality, and all three operate simultaneously. Our first, second, and third chakras are aligned to our physical life; four, five, six, and seven to our emotions, our attitudes, our choices, our spiritual life; and the eighth to our symbolic life where our contracts are scripted.And it seems to relate most to what you talk about in the book.Absolutely. The contracts and negotiations your soul has made, in my opinion, form the texture of your life. You make arrangements for certain commitments, for opportunities to meet certain people, to be certain places, but what you do and how you are when you get there, that's where choice comes in.In these days--that we talk about as the New Age--our ability to know ourselves has increased ten-fold. We now have access to our inner world in a way we never did before. We need a vocabulary that can describe where we've been. That was what motivated me to create a tool through which people can identify their archetypal patterns.There are hundreds of thousands of archetypes, but each of us has only a dozen that, in this lifetime, form the closest, most intimate connection to the events as they unfold in our lives.Sure, you can relate to all of the archetypes in some way. I'm not a physical mother but I can relate to mothering; I consider that I birth my books. But I'm not a physical mother in the same way [as] women whose whole lives are about raising their children.I would look and find the 12 archetypes that are direct influences in your life, and from that I would say the most important thing you can do is to learn the meaning and the guidance from those archetypal patterns. The tool I developed is all about helping you discover that.The bulk of your book describes the sacred wheel, this tool you're referring to. Why did you choose the wheel, and how does it relate to the horoscope and to archetypes?I was teaching a group of students--this was years ago--and I was trying to explain to them that they had influences around them at all times. I said, "Look, just imagine that you are sitting at the center of a wheel and imagine that each of the spokes was a different influence on you." I looked at that image and realized that I had drawn an astrological chart. Then when I was doing the archetypal research, I wondered what it would be like if I found a way to help people locate each of their 12 archetypes--one per astrological house--in a way that would combine the meaning of that house with the meaning of an archetype. Reading the two together would enhance a deeper view of the journey of one's life.That sounds like a mouthful, but I did the same thing in "Anatomy of the Spirit." I took Christianity, Judaism, and Eastern religion, and combined all three systems. I said, "Look at how all three are written in the spine, and how all three speak of human biology."The astrological wheel, the 12 houses, represents the 12 areas of life from relationships to home to marriage to money. Every one of the aspects of life is represented on this wheel. When you do this wheel in the system that I developed, it helps you locate your archetype for each house respectively, so you have 12 archetypes and 12 houses.What you've got are two different cosmic systems operating as a team in a way they never did before. When you combine them--and isn't the world of consciousness all about combining and making things one?--the insights you have are positively incredible.How does it work?Let me give you an example. The first house of the astrological chart talks about your persona, how you present yourself to the world. Now let's say that you had the Queen archetype in that house. When people meet you, there will be something about you that strikes them as being royal, entitled, gracious, benevolent, or in command of things. But believe me, the common image that people will have of you is that you fill the room much more than someone who has a Child archetype in that house. That person would strike people as being very immature, fragile, magical, innocent, or playful.You suggest relying on our intuition for finding our archetypes and filling in the various houses. But you also say that sometimes we can't hear ourselves because there are so many other voices in our heads. How can we quiet those voices?What I tell people is that you don't have to be a master of intuitive calmness to discern your archetypal patterns. The first and most important thing is that you are willing to be open-minded and honest about your own life.In the book, you write: "I often give the appearance of being nearly ruthless onstage when I'm interacting with certain people."Ruthless?Yes, I'm quoting from the book. I was wondering how you respond to the critics who say that this is not a helpful approach.Let me say that thank God the people who say that are in the minority. Second, I kind of laugh because I think that there must be something people like about being ruthless because my workshops are enormous. Third, I think that I'm not ruthless. I'm very direct and I'm bold. Which one's going to help--someone saying to you, "Here's the bottom line: Either you get bitter or you get better." Or do you want me to sit there and be yet the 15,000th ear that you weep in?From my point of view, people need backbones, not wishbones. We've gotten much too indulgent about healing. When I'm with people who tell me that 20, 25, 35 years later, they still can't release the fact that their mother wasn't there for them, I cannot look at them and say, "Why don't you tell me again and I'll be another indulgent shoulder." I want to say: "How come you don't tell me how many people you've hurt, and how many lives you've made miserable?"I have one more question for you. You have a new program on Oxygen. [It debuted on Saturday, January 12.] What will it be like?The show is called, "The Journey," It's on weekends, but you'll have to check your local time listing.Is it a talk show format or...It's not the standard talk show format; I don't interview guests. Rather, I engage and interact with people and do medical intuitive readings while also teaching. I examine a subject, and how to get through and get on with your life when you've gone through a certain challenge. I have people on the show who've done just that; they're incredible examples.I also have people on the show who are looking for guidance and I do readings on them. I help people in every way I can and that's the show. It's interactive and it very much involves my work as a medical intuitive, but it's not about medical intuition. It's kind of a workshop, and it's also a therapy healing dynamic. It's a very unique show.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

did Ginger's three decoding sessions and they were very beneficial to me.To help explain the karmic decoding, Ginger gives a good analogy by using a computer as an example. On your computer, you drag something to the trash (karma being removed) and then Ginger comes and clears the hard drive (karmic decoding). This happens in three sessions because the work is done on three different levels. The decoding helps remove remnants that we embedded into our beings from living in the 3rd dimension for so long. During the session she also does soul retrieval, which brings back parts of our selves that left during times of extreme stress in any of our human lives.By the end of the third session, my higher self had integrated with me and I am now in the 5th dimension. I know this work had an impact on me because my two primary issues, being judgmental and controlling, have lessened tremendously. Those kinds of thoughts are just not very present anymore and I feel much lighter and very happy. Thank you Ginger!Susan LosCalzo

5th dimension

Hello to all,

I have been working with karma for a number of years, clearing karmic contracts and releasing them from the karmic blueprint for myself and my clients. In February this year I was called (channelled the request) to go to Ireland, visit the sacred sites and “bring in the information that was yet to come through.” I procrastinated and did not go. It was made easy for me to go to the sacred sites as requested at the summer solstice on June 20th, 2008. In all karma clearing sessions I did after the 24th of June, I was guided to do a 3 dimensional decoding and deprogramming of the entire karmic blueprint. “Normally” I would deal with specific contracts and issues of the soul and or the contract of “highest priority”. Needless to say, I was surprised to be able release all karma, but did as I was requested. (Total releasement is done in 3 sessions, one for each dimensional level ). After about 6 or 7 of these decoding sessions in a row, I asked on July 2nd, 2008, while in session with a regular client, what this meant. This is the information I received.

I was shown on the right hand side of my screen of vision, several people in white muslin, cotton robes with their backs to me looking up at what I recognized as what I call the dimensional tower. A place where you may move through 12 or more dimensional levels. It appears in my vision almost parfait like in the layers of light that make up this access area. Much like an elevator, you may rise up and move through the dimensional levels. The words “These people are ready for ascension” were suddenly spoken to me as I observed the group standing, facing the tower. I realized one of them was me and then I saw some of my clients there. My first thought was “death?” I was then told, “No, you may be on the Earth, but not of the Earth, ascending while in the flesh”. Then the words “We call these people the faithful” were spoken. I was told “They remained faithful in their hearts, in the face of all the pain and suffering in this world, they still had faith in love and light, in the God/Goddess Creator source of all that is. (The Islamic version of the faithful, is described as having even “just one atom of faith in their hearts”) That is all it took. I then asked, “How does this relate to clearing karma, decoding, etc.?” They asked me if I remembered the weighing of the hearts in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. I said yes, the deceased went before 42 judges in the afterlife and their hearts were weighed against the feather of the Goddess Maat. On the sarcophagus of the Egyptians was sometimes printed:

“Oh, my heart, which I had from my Mother, please do not stand up as a witness against me.” The mother, of course, a metaphoric symbol of nuturing and caring, of divine love, the “weighing” and building of character.

I was then told between June 21st and June 24th the hearts of all of us were weighed and evaluated for “Goodness and faith”. They said it only took one earnest prayer of faith to be in the group of the faithful. (See: http://www.crystalinks.com/maat.html)

Suddenly, dramatically, a large earthquake type crack appeared down the center of my vision and a large chasm formed and to my right were still the people, the faithful. On the left hand side of my vision I saw those standing on that (left) side of the chasm and I heard the words “The chasm, the abyss, the bottomless pit, the black hole”. Those on the left were darker and angry as they fell down lower in the hole, turning on each other. There in the hole, I saw the Lords of Karma standing around the perimeter of their space. I said “Oh, my, those people have fallen down in the hole, how can we help them?” I was told, “Do not concern yourself with them.” I said “But they need help”… I was told, “Then pray for them”. They said to me, “These people, (in the hole) especially the ones who had all the advantages, money, education and could have risen to the highest form of a human being, instead they lied, stole, maimed and even killed, especially them, as the ropes of karma that bound them was tightened. I said again “How does this affect karma”? I was told the people on the right, the faithful, by virtue of free will had been released from the “program of karma”. Then I saw the cords between the faithful, binding them to each other through karma, good or bad, fell to the ground and whipped across the chasm and slapped on the people in the hole. I was then told “Those in the hole would suffer their karma as it was increased and multiplied for them now”. Tenfold? Evidently karma, a program, as I was told later, is a way of “handling things”. I was also informed later, (about those in the hole), “Nothing real is ever threatened (A Course in Miracles), this is their choice for themselves". "As they become denser, like a black hole, (as above, so below) they will implode and become denser, still". I was ordered then, “Bring in the Archangels”. So I asked Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and could not think of Raphael, a mental block, and could only say Sandalphon. Then I was told, “Now bring in Raphael”. Raphael went into the center of the other four Archangels to anchor the space for healing. Later I learned Sandalphon is the prophet Elijah, who became an Archangel. So of all the hundreds of angels, it made sense the Earth (former human) Archangel Sandalphon would want to be present for the sessions releasing the karmic blueprint. Next I witnessed a woman, Mother Earth, as she walked out into the vision crying for all the injustices of earth. This wailing woman came out, crying for all the pain and suffering of the innocents, of wars, starving, no compassion, killing of each other, defacing the Earth and so forth.

Scenes of starving children, those that wished to be born and were not able to come in and those that came in , suffering in their lives here. I saw mistreated animals, elementals and pictures of nature and the Spirit of Earth’s great pain and suffering. I saw people with incredible wealth saying “Let those black people die, they are useless to us”. I saw Native American Indians praying to a small plant for the fruit it gave, and then the Indians were slaughtered, throats cut. I saw to large groups in an ancient war, running toward each other with hatred in their eyes, to kill each other. I heard the words “Holy war”. As the woman cried for all the injustices of Earth, I also cried and then started the karmic blueprint decoding and removal for my client, as requested.

Below is the information I gathered about the Archangels and their parts in this.

Michael: holds the space of divine grace for the essence of human spirit.

Deliverer of the faithful, angel of righteousness, mercy, and repentance.

Member of the order of virtues such as, love, truth, purity, charity and so forth.

Gabriel: Prince of justice, angel of mercy, death, revelation, and vengeance.

Gabriel anchored the divine presence of Universal Goodness, God/Goddess on this planet. Also the karmic enforcer, rendering atonement for past injustices, especially when visited upon spiritual innocents, whether they are human, animal, nature spirits, or elementals.

Uriel: Prince of light, angel of salvation, alchemy, transmutation, dna etc.

Raphael: Angel of light, love and joy. Angel of healing, knowledge and science.

Sandalphon: Angel of Security, glory, prayer, embryos and tears. Sandalphon is the “human” angel, he is Elijah, the one the Jewish wait for at Passover. The other human turned angel is Enoch, he became Metatron. (Makes sense Sandalphon preceded the wailing woman as angel of tears and embryos).

On September 29th, 2008 I was again summoned to assist in the ascension and releasement of those waiting in the place, called by some, Purgatory.

I asked, how could this be and almost none of us be aware of it? They answered, “I come as a thief in the night, you will know not the hour, nor the day.” Also, I asked, how many are in the group of the faithful, ready to ascend? The answer was 31.8% of the population of Earth.

I asked when the next big, obvious to everyone, event would take place and was told 2 ½ to 3 ½ years.

Thank you for all the information you all have shared with me in the past. I hope this will add some insight into the shifting in our existence here on Earth.

Anyone who wishes to host a group of 5 or more people for the decoding workshop will receive a complimentary workshop for themselves.

We will be:Creating a sacred space

Calling in the Planetary CouncilInvoking 11 Arch Angels

Opening of interdimensional doorways for each individual presentReleasing of genetic codes programming and soul retrieval.

Ginger is able to work on multi-dimensional levels, clearing patterns, encodings that no longer serve you. She can clear blockages on multiple levels, opening doorways to spiritual peace, abundance, and a state of well being. -- Ted Knight, D.C. Spartanburg, SC

Ginger's work is phenomenal it has changed my life, helped me realize that the veil of Karmic influence can be cleared freeing oneself to experience a true higher self and state of being. It opens and clears the way for higher information to be received and a truer essence to be felt and realized. --Lisa Anne Mraz, Waynesville N.C.

Hi Ginger, I want to let you know of the vision changes I'm experincing since Wednesday. First of all, I nearly forgot my glasses on the table next to me at the end of the session. When we to the resturant, that's when it hit me on well I could see without them - I mentioned it to the guys. Today, I've picked up my glasses by habit and have put them on and realizing they are hurting my eyes. I can see the TV without them. I'm also feeling this body physical sensation - a minor vibration that has intensed with every session with you. I thought I would share this with you. I know how important it is know what you are doing is working for others. Thank You, Daystar

Ginger Willingham

